The sight of the beautiful mountains took our breath away. 这美丽的山色使我们为之神往。
I get lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child come pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day. 我出神地听着、看着老天冲刷洗涤这世界的污垢和尘埃,孩时无忧无虑地在雨中奔跑玩水的记忆汹涌而至,暂时缓解了我一天的焦虑。
In the right hands, one could fairly easily hide information in "plain sight" and get away with it. 在正确的人手中,可以轻松地在“常见”文件中隐藏信息并随身携带。
I caught sight of her hurrying away but I didn't try to speak to her. 我见她匆忙走过,但我并未想与她搭话。
I turned to look at the children, but there weren't any in sight: they had all run away. 我转过头去看那些孩子,但一个也不见,全跑了。
This menacing looking squid is just one of many species "out of sight and out of mind" that could be threatened by human activities far away from the part of the ocean in which they live. 这种一脸凶相的章鱼只是许多人类“看不见也不关心”的物种中的一种,它们受到远离居所的人类活动的威胁。
As the sun rose the sight of those mountains outside the world faded away. 太阳一出来,世界外边那些高山就渐渐消失。
There's nothing quite like the sight of a gorgeous, flowing fountain. The gushing water can be enough to take your breath away. 没有什么东西能和美丽的汩汩喷泉媲美。那喷涌出的水流会让你流连忘返。
I had never before seen him stripped, and he sight of his body quite took my breath away. 我从前从来没有看见他赤膊,现在一看见他的身体使我惊讶不已。
Marty: What nonsense? This is love at first sight. Kate, you're not getting away that easy. 马丁:什么胡说八道?这叫一见钟情。凯伊,你休想走得那么容易。
Draco caught sight of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny staring at him, nodded curtly, and turned away again. 德拉科看到了哈利、罗恩、赫敏和金妮正看着他,稍稍点了一下头,就转过了身。
Tu Wei-yueh caught sight of ah Hsiang among those who were running away, and now he understood everything. 屠维岳看见逃出去的十多人中就有一个阿祥,心里就完全明白了;
At the sight of her father's corpse the poor girl fainted away. 这可怜的女孩一看到她父亲的遗骸就昏过去了。
I turned to her and caught sight of a tear before she quickly brushed it away. 我转头看她,在她快速拭去泪水之前,我看到她眼里有一滴泪。
Presently Jeff Thatcher hove in sight, and tom's face lighted; he gazed a moment, and then turned sorrowfully away. 这时,杰夫撒切尔跃入眼帘,汤姆喜上眉梢,他盯着看了一会,然后失望地转过身去。
Such a sight and the winners of household appliances carrying away their appliances or doing brisk business with them kept the atmosphere merry and alive, and people parted with their money willingly. 这样的场景以及赢得家用电器的人跑走电器或当场销售的热闹劲,让现场气氛轻松活跃,人们掏钱也自甘情愿。
Scientists are a minority group, and like most minorities they're largely hidden from the public's sight, tucked away in ghettos& laboratories, campuses, field sites out in the desert or on Pacific atolls. 科学家是一个少数群体,像大多数少数民族局限于贫民窟一样他们大都不在公众的视线里--实验室、校园、沙漠内外的矿田点或者太平洋珊瑚岛上。
It's a painful sight: case after case of ripe tomatoes thrown away. 这是令人心痛的一幕:一批又一批成熟的西红柿被扔掉。
Indeed, as soon as the animals caught sight of them, they all trembled and ran away fearfully. 果然,百兽一见到他们,都惊慌地逃跑了。
Should not immediately move line of sight away, sprain face to one side, pretend to be or to disappear. He could no longer pretend not to hear and swung around. 不可立刻把视线移开,或把脸扭向一边,佯装不见。他不再佯装听不见了,他踉踉跄跄走了几步。
"That's not the way Grandma did it," she repeated. I turned to her and caught sight of a tear before she quickly brushed it away. “奶奶可不是那样弄它的。”她重复道。我转头看她,在她快速拭去泪水之前,我看到她眼里有一滴泪。
At the sight of the snake the girl ran away in terror. 姑娘看到蛇就惊恐地跑掉。
The first time Anna had seen walther, the sight of him had literally taken her breath away. 安娜第一次见到瓦尔特时的情景,简直使她大吃一惊。
Beyond one of the sentinels nobody was in sight; the railroad ran straight away into a forest for a hundred yards, then, curving, was lost to view. 桥的一端,桥头哨兵的身外,看不到任何人的踪影;铁道线平直地向外延伸,进入森林百米的深处,然后转个弯,消逝于视线之中。
Lausus, his son, could not bear the sight, but rushed forward and interposed himself, while the followers pressed round Mezentius and bore him away. 他的儿子劳苏斯见状惨不忍睹,便挺身而出冲上前去,他的部下也一拥而上团团围住墨曾提乌斯,当即把他抬走。
At the sight of the tiger the monkeys ran away. 一看到老虎,猴子们就跑了。
The real feeling of3D Stereoscopic pictures strikes audience's sight, without being thrown away any more because of its high value of collection. 在三维立体图片罢工观众看不到真正的感觉,没有任何被丢弃,因为它收集的高价值。
"Shibapan" of the title is not "Shibapan" of Tai Mountain or Taihang Mountain, but a winding sight seeing road in Donghai Park which is not far away froom Haizhiyun Sqaure. 这里所讲“十八盘”并非泰山或太行山上的“十八盘”,而是东海公园内离海之韵广场不远的一段蜿蜒曲折沿山而筑的观光路。
I caught sight of a guy hurrying away, but I didn't know he was a thief. 我看到一个小伙急急忙忙离开,但当时我不知道他是小偷。
The sight took my breath away because it was so beautiful. 这里景致之美,使我几乎为之屏息。